
Olympia aka Olinka

Ch. Holland Olympia van Le Dobry C.I.B

  • D.O.B. 27. 10. 2013
  • HD, ED, spondylosis negative, eye-tests clear, DM negative
  • DNA registrated, coat color kbr/kbr
  • Interchampion of beauty, MultiChampion of beauty: Champion of the Czech Republic, Champion of Austria, Champion of Slovakia, Champion of Hungary
  • exams: BH, SPr. 1, SPr. 2, IPO1, IPO2, IPO3, IFH1 (100 points!!!), IFH2
  • 3. place at the World Championship of the Dutch Shepherds 2017 IPO1 (99, 87, 85)
  • pure DS bloodline without any registries in pedigree
  • legendary working bloodline (father Holland Messi v. Le Dobry, grandpa Boyd's Bullriding Glenmore)

Olinka is social female who has grown in a family with children. She loves hes "pack" very much so she is always ready to protect it. She perfectly guards our house and garden.
She is very active dog, besides our dogsport trainings, she do biking, inline skating a jogging with me. She also goes hiking with us and cannot miss any family trip. 
She is always ready to work with her handler. She has high food, prey and ball drive. Very stable nerves, clear-headed female.

Oli is prepared for top IPO competitions. 
She does amazing work in tracking where she excels with absolute focus on track. She works very intensively with low nose in calm pace.
In obedience she is easy-handled and highly motivated on food and ball. However, I would say that she works just for me.She shows natural expression during heeling.
She is very focused on the precise technique of the defence - her grips are super full and calm. She excels with fighting the helper on escape.  

Olympia's pedigree on www.working-dog.com





Litter A

- D.O.B. 23. 10. 2017
- 4 males, 6 females - some are still available
- working litter - father comes from ring bloodlined, mother from very successfull IPO bloodlines (daughter of Holland Messi v. Le Dobry, grand-daughter of Boyd's Bullriding Glenmore)
- puppies would be great for training and service, but they can even live with active owners. Dutch shepherd is universal dog, he can do herding, canicross, bikejoring, skijoring, coursing, etc. The only thing is not good for them - doing nothing :) 
Nejdůležitější pro nás je, sehnat jim milujícího majitele.

- pedigree (source working-dog.com):

Father of the puppies of litter A is french service dog Hypnos de la Horde d'Hadès, who competes in mondioring.He passed Ring3 and Mondio3 exams
Hypnos is healthy dog, HD, ED, DM negative, DNA registered. He is self-confident dog with high drive, clear-headed dog focused on his goal. He looks very nice but has no show result because his owner is not interested in dog shows. He lives in family with small child.
He comes from the working pure DS bloodline without any registries in his pedigree



Mother of our puppies is Olinka - MultiCh. Holland Olympia van Le Dobry, C.I.B. You can find all information about her by clicking Olympia link.


4 weeks old puppies


O nás

About us

I started with dogs in 2003, when I got my first dog Gary. Gary was my real best friend, he accompanied me everywhere. He was always happy with my terrible ideas and was alway ready to do everything with me. We went together for the dog-lovers meetings, I met many great friends because of him. I started to do a dogsport, coursing, dogtrekking and bull sports. We passed 17 exams (IPO and other national level exams) and he was approved as a canisterapeutic dog. 



I liked IPO training so I was looking for a breed that is FCI approved for competitions. I fall in love with dutch shephers and started to look for any.
In the same time Tara - came to our pack. Tara was a typical rhodesian ridgeback - she has her own opinion for everything and she loved to chase the game. So the dutchie had to wait for some time...



Finally I got my first dutchie just before the Christmas in 2013. 

I do an IPO training with Olympia - it is the most important for us. The breeding is less important, I do it as a hobby not for a profit. I want to produce the healthy, well-balanced puppies from working bloodlines. Very difficult is to find a perfect stud dog so I hope I will succeed. 

Our dogs and puppies grow in a family with children, they are used to be inside the house, in the garden and in a kennel too.

The name of my kennel is composed of the names of our dogs - GARy, OLInka, TAra 




Garolita - working dutch shepherds kennel
Melanie Dedíková

U Školky 786
149 00  Praha 4

tel: +420 724 639 349


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